Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Best movie. Ever. (FYI, spoilers...)

Seriously??  I'm still laughing from seeing this last night.  I heard it was good, but I loved it.  Love love LOVED it.   I was rolling in hysterics, the entire time.  My knee was hurt from slapping it, and at one point I was kicking the chair in front of me due to my lack of body control.  I was that obnoxious person in the theater that couldn't control her laughter.
There's no way I can pick a favorite line because honestly every one was amazing, but here's one that had me doubled over, "Nah...I mean, I'm already pregnant, so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into?"  Oh yeah, I also loved, "Can you hold on for a second?  I'm on my hamburger phone.  It's just...like...really awkward to talk on."  And lastly (for now) when Bleeker said, "And Blair Witch Project was about to come on Starz, and you were like, 'I haven't seen this in forever' and you wanted to watch it, but then you were like 'Oh no, we should just make out instead.  La la la.'"  (PS If you're reading this and didn't see the movie, you're probably not laughing.  So stop reading my blog and go see the movie!!)
Anyway, it's hysterical.  All the actors do a great job.  There could not have been a better person chosen for Jennifer Garner's roll, and I almost cried in about every scene she was in.  Allison Janney?  Didn't even know she was in it.  Funniest person ever.  Lastly, if nothing else, a cameo by Dwight Schrute makes every movie amazing. 
Seriously, go see it now.  If you've already seen it, go see it again.  I know I'm going to, and at $12 a pop I never see movies twice, but I'm making an exception.  I can't wait till it comes out on dvd.


elise said...

I loved the whole abortion clinic scene. Blueberry pie...

nerak said...

"You're, like, the coolest person I know and you don't even have to try."

"Actually, I try really hard."

HILARIOUS. Loved this show! I'm so glad you did too.

paintingyoupretty said...

i think the cast is on oprah today :)

::jill:: said...

LOVED IT LIKE YOU LOVE NYC!!! It is the best movie.

katherine said...

Yes...I saw the cast on Oprah today and it was great. After seeing everal clips I'm convinced I need to see it ASAP.

Brad Hope said...

sad.....hamburger phone and hamburger shorts are in the same category.....