Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little things I love.

Waking up in the morning to find someone in an earlier time zone texted me in the night.
Getting a card in the mail just because.
The temperature in the early mornings during summer.
Voicemails with loved ones singing "Happy Birthday" (it's always humiliating so I know they really love me.)
Getting a compliment from a stranger; I know it's completely genuine because there's no motive.
Friends who know where I want to go to dinner before I even do.
Finding the perfect gift for someone, but having to wait to give it to them.
Fresh flowers at home (even better if someone else gave them, better yet, sent them to me.)
An east facing window so the sunshine floods in at morning.
A shower at night, followed by fresh towels, and fresh sheets.


Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Mmmm, I love all of these things, too.

Is there a way to save voicemails on your phone? Last birthday (or some birthday) my mom was in Utah so she and grandma sang on my VM and I loved it. Now gone. And then when Grandma called to congratulate me on Baby Billy Bob...ha! Gone.

Hope you're having a great day, love.

elise said...

Tell me your secret for finding the perfect gift. Me = worse gift giver ever.

maggie said...

I love this post!

Michelle said...

Love all of these too! Esp the fresh flowers!