All I wanted from this weekend was to catch up with friends, relax, and get some sun. I would say my mission was accomplished. The Burnses were more than accommodating. Saturday we went boating and despite my fear of not getting up on the wakeboard (haven't been since I learned how five years ago) I didn't really have any problems. The water was ridiculously warm. I'm talking, no shock at all when I got in. I bet it was about 85 degrees. I've never really been boating when there wasn't at least 6+ people wanting to wakeboard, so it was strange when my turn came up again and I felt like I still needed to rest. We had a bit of a (3 hour) setback before getting to the river when the trailer got a flat tire, however, we only needed the 2 1/2 hours we were on the water. Everyone was pooped.
That evening I did some laying around in the pool, and then we BBQ'd and ate outside and it was divine. They asked if I wanted to go out, but all I really wanted to do was shower, and relax.
Sunday was church, and then I was the bad influence who took little Rachel home with me and we laid out after Sacrament meeting. (Oops.) Another delicious dinner, and then it was back to the church for Rachel's seminary graduation. Man, I do not miss the days of seminary. Not at all.
That night some of their friends from the ward came over for ice cream sundaes. I chatted a bit, and then just went upstairs to finally finish Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. I'd put that one down for a while, as I frequently do with books, but I'm glad I finished it, especially since the movie will be out in a few months.
Monday was a lazy morning, and then off the family went for Rachel's high school graduation. They kept apologizing for leaving, but I just felt bad I couldn't go to graduation since I had to fly out that evening. I will admit, even though I was so excited and loving the relaxing, I did wonder if I'd get bored or lonely with my three solo hours in the pool. It only took about 20 minutes for me to forget I had a good chunk of time to kill. By 1pm I realized I was hungry so I had some lunch, got back in the pool, and the next thing I knew, I only had 15 minutes left before I had to get ready. I was not ready to leave that pool. Not ready at all. I could have gone another 2 hours easily. I'd downloaded The Help onto my kindle and couldn't have been happier reading in the sun, sitting in my blow up chair in the pool. It was seriously heaven. Oh yeah, and I'm totally proud of myself because I wore sunscreen every day (even reapplying once on Monday) and wore a hat. I'm getting paranoid in my old age, and I'll admit, I still have a nice tan, and when I saw a chick totally fried at the airport I felt very smug.
Now I'm back at work, totally unmotivated. Lots to do before I head out again this weekend. Surprisingly, I'm not even sick of traveling. I guess I've been having too much fun, and I've really really looked forward to each trip.
Hope everyone had a lovely Memorial Day weekend!
I am so glad that you had an enjoyable time. It was so nice to see you and laugh. ( we really need ot work on those prayers!!)
Have fun this weekend. If you get bored you can look Katherine and I up!! Which I don't expect it to happen!! (BORDEM)
Love ya and thanks again for the visit! I will always claim you as my third daughter!!!
I saw you post on fb this weekend that you finished your book and I had just finished one that night too! And the next book I chose to read is the help! Hahaha. My mom loved it so I wanted to read it before the movie comes out. I have 3 weeks until I start school again so I want to knock it out. :)
Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful relaxing weekend! I just love that Burns family to pieces!!!
Does she still throw a remote across the room at her brother? Classic sibling love.
I'm all about the hat & taking care of my skin these days. My goal this year is to not get one sun burn all summer. Glad you had fun. :)
Sounds great! I wish I could do weekend travel like you have been doing, it sounds nice to get away!
I remember the days at the beach slathering on the tanning oil to get extra dark. Now its all about the SPF 30 or higher. Getting old has its disadvantages. Looks like you had a great trip!
You kids who talk about getting old crack me up! But.... good to know you're wearing sunscreen. Ah... the State of Texas was a better place Memorial Weekend because you graced her with your presence. Wish you could have made a hop, skip, and a jump up to Dallas. But alas, I cannot be greedy because you have been here a couple of times in the past year. :-) We're trying to figure out when we can come to NYC. Probably late July / early August. Will definitely keep you posted. Love, AK
How fun! I'm with ya sista. I wore sun block every day in Mexico. I decided I want to have smooth pretty skin when I'm old. Although it is a bummer not getting super brown I know we will be glad later in life lol We're so wise!
Yes, I am like you, I could lay out in the sun all day long. It is so relaxing.
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