Sunday, January 17, 2010

The daily ten

Allowed myself to sleep in but woke up refreshed at 10:30am. (I can typically sleep the day away in my room if left alone.)
A lovely lunch with friends at 40 Carrots.
Refrained from shopping at Bloomingdales.
Picked up some granola for the week. (New obsession.)
Three different friends randomly stopped by this evening.
Finally gave in and watched The Hangover and laughed hysterically.
Only had to wear a light jacket because the weather was so lovely.
The subway stopped two stops early and I enjoyed my walk home.
Got a hilarious voicemail from a buddy saying he must have hit rock bottom because he was home alone on a Saturday night at 10pm watching You've Got Mail on tv.
Saw a sweet picture of my parents from the 80s.


elise said...

Okay. Yes. Wasn't The Hangover pretty much the funniest movie you have seen in months?! We died.

DC Hilltopper said...

The picture in the elevator at the end of The Hangover is unfortunately burned into my memory. Yeah that picture. Scarred for life.