Tuesday, January 22, 2008

RIP Heath Ledger


paintingyoupretty said...

for one thing. i hate that he was a drug addict.

Jake, Cindy and Blaine said...

i was totally shocked when i heard he died...and it does suck that he was a drug addict, but now his poor little cute daughter will never have a daddy! plus he really was a good actor. RIP!

meggan said...

I like that what we remember him for is not his Oscar worthy Brokeback preformance, but rather the eternal classic "10 Things I Hate About You"

melissa said...

the picture on my post is from 10TIHAY (I am obsessed with shorthand lately...) too. i'm kind of depressed.

katherine said...

Can you even believe it? I never knew he had a major drug problem. Shocker.

Ang said...

Would you believe I never actually saw 10 Things? I'm sad that he was only 28. That's me in two months. I still have A LOT of life to live... and I'm sure planning to live it!

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

im so heart broken over heath! he's so hot!!!!

ps...what is all this "drug problem" talk? As far as I've read the autopsy was inconclusive,there were no drugs in the house, just perscription, antihistamine was one of them! And all alcohol in the house was still sealed. I'm rooting for Heath to have an accidental death.

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...
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